Composition Book, Medium/College Rule, Randomly Assorted Cover Color, (100) 9.75 x 7.5 Sheets, WRITING PADS, NOTEBOOKS -
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Composition Book, Medium/College Rule, Randomly Assorted Cover Color, (100) 9.75 x 7.5 Sheets

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: 4909826

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: EA

Model #
: 09120

: MEA09120

/ EA
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Product Description

A Five Star® Composition Book is perfect for permanent notetaking. Use it in class and at home for labs, take-home assignments, and more. These composition books are made to be durable so that you don't have to worry about binding coming apart or missing pages that have fallen out. Pages are sewn in so they stay in place securely, all year long. The composition book front and back covers are plastic to resist everyday wear and tear. Use with Five Star® Study App to scan, study and organize your notes. Create instant flashcards and sync your notes to Google Drive to access them anywhere from any device. Pocket-Sized Indicator: No; Book-Binding Type: Sewn; Book-Binding Details: Casebound; Book-Binding Edge: Side.