Dial Versa Dispenser for Cartridge Refills, 15 oz, 6/Carton, Dial Versa -Bulk, Amenity Lines
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Dial Versa Dispenser for Cartridge Refills, 15 oz, 6/Carton

Quick Find
: 28510

: 6

: Light Gray/White


Model #
: DIA34037



Product Description

Dial Versa Dispenser for Cartridge Refills, 15 oz, 6/Carton
Dimensions: 3.75" x 3.38" x 8.75

Durable, attractive push-type dispenser with unique non-corrosive key and locking mechanism to help prevent tampering and vandalism. Dispenser is wall-mounted to fit in even the tightest of spaces. Each refill holds 15 oz (443mL) and its reservoir holds 2.3 oz (70mL) of hand soap, enough for up to 70 washings. Bottle empties completely so no product is wasted. For use with Dial® Professional Versa Cartridge Refills.

-Install one, two or three dispensers according to your needs --dispensers interlock to create a uniform look.
-Reservoir holds enough for at least 15 showers.
-Ensures that no product is wasted and provides uninterrupted service to customers.

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