Recycled Non-Dated Monthly/Weekly Planner, Cherry Blossoms, Black/White Cover, Undated, PLANNERS -
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Recycled Non-Dated Monthly/Weekly Planner, Cherry Blossoms, Black/White Cover, Undated

Quick Find
: 6910368

: 1

: EA

Model #
: 2121-52

: HOD212152

Product Description

This non-dated weekly and monthly planner is ideal for uninterrupted easy planning. Both monthly and weekly two-page spread non-dated sections are to create your own planner dates. There is a large notes section to keep you organized and motivated. Also includes class schedule and note pages. The planner is spiral boundand features a two-piece cover that is waterproof, tear-proof and weather-resistant to withstand the daily use throughout the year. Paper is made entirely of recycled materials. Dated/Undated: Undated; Calendar Format: Weekly; Monthly; Calendar Spread Format: One Week per Two-Page Spread; One Month per Two-Page Spread; Academic Year: No.