Signature Collection Academic Weekly/Monthly Planners, 11.5 x 8, Distressed Brown Cover, 13-Month (July-July): 2024-2025, APPOINTMENT BOOKS -
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Signature Collection Academic Weekly/Monthly Planners, 11.5 x 8, Distressed Brown Cover, 13-Month (July-July): 2024-2025

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: EA

Model #
: YP905A09

: AAGYP905A09

Product Description

Modern and professional, this Signature Collection planner has a 13-month date range from July to July for academic planning. High-quality paper features superior ink bleed resistance. One week per two-page spread with ruled planning space for each day and an extra area for notes. One month per two-page spread has unruled daily blocks, a notes column and past/future month reference calendars. Each month is tabbed for easy navigation. Special pages include a holiday listing, 3-year reference calendar, event calendar, 3 contact pages, 8 notes pages and a double-sided pocket. Dated/Undated: Dated; Calendar Format: Weekly; Monthly; Calendar Spread Format: One Week per Two-Page Spread; One Month per Two-Page Spread; Edition Year: 2024 to 2025.